Customized Programs to Improve Your Athletic Performance

Strength Training

In life & sports it helps to be strong!

At C.S.P.T. we create strength programs for each individual based on the demands of their sport/profession/goals as well as where they are physically at the moment. There are no cookie cutter programs used here, so each individual can be sure they’re getting exactly what they need.

Speed & Agility

You always want to be a step ahead of your competition & despite what you’ve heard, speed CAN be taught!

C.S.P.T. can help you develop speed by teaching you proper technique, & ensure that speed lasts all game long through proper programming and progression.

Agility is more than just changing direction. It is the brains ability to process information and react to it. C.S.P.T. provides TRUE agility training to their clients so they can process info and react efficiently and quickly, not just go through ladder drills or fancy footwork drills.

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